viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

If I won the lottery.

If I won the lottery I would take the money for a lot of things. First, I travel around the country, knowing from South to North the great variety of landscapes with my family. I probably would travel to places like Antarctica, Chiloe Island or the Atacama Desert.

After getting tired of the beautiful Chilean landscapes, I would travel for the world, visiting Europe, Africa and some Latin American countries like Brazil or Cuba. In these countries I would visit all the places that money would allow me.

Then, with the money on me, i will invest in the installation of a bar in Santiago. With this I could subsist throughout my life, selling exquisite drinks to people, making them very happy. In addition, I i will invest the money in building a music store, where to offer a lot of musical instruments of high quality for sale , but affordable.

Also with the money, i would help my family with their debts and help them to buy all the things they need. I tried that each member of my family can live comfortably.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

A super power I would like to have

A power I would like to have is to teleport anywhere in the world in one second. With this power I could go where I wanted without the need the use the transport, like the bus or the airplane.  I wouldn’t have the need to take the bus or subway when they are full for go to the university. This would be a great relief to me, and I would not be late for the university classes or anything.
With this super power also could teleport to a bank without anyone noticing and steal money for my family. Also, I could go to Vatican and steal their secrets or could go to Hangar 18 to know the information about extraterrestrial life.

Anyway, I could make a lot of interesting things and discover a lot of secrets in the world. This super power could be amazing. 

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

My best concert ever.

The best concert I've been was conducted by the Armenian/American band System of a Down in  Florida stadium in 2011. This is one of my favourite band because this have an unique style of music that mix rock, metal, oriental music and even circus music.                                                                      

The band consists of four members: Serj Tankian in the voice, Daron Malakian in guitar, Shavo Odadjian in bass and John Dolmayan in drums. The concert of 2011 was amazing because the band It had been separated about 5 years, so this was one of his first concerts after reuniting.

I went with three friends to concert. We were very anxious before the concert began, but with the first chords of guitarist Daron Malakian we joined at the euphoria of the public. We jumped and sang all the concert. This was very amazing, we finished very tired at the end of this, but did not matter because we were very happy. This was one of the best experiences of my life.